GST Admission BD 2025 (Apply now) – GST Admission ac bd

GST Admission exam for university admission is going to take place this year. Around 32 Public Universities are going to participate in this GST admission test system ( Usually in our country, every year after the HSC exam students prepare for their University Admission exam. Each year students sit for the admission exam separately for different universities. However, this year a combined admission exam is going to take place on (
Because of the recent outbreak of COVID-19 all the educational institutions were closed down in order to reduce the spread of the deadly virus. As all the institutions were closed students have to cope with the new online class system. It is a completely new system and many students are not familiar with many systems. The sole purpose of our website is to help all the students, especially during the GST admission 2024-2025 . In this article, we will briefly discuss all the aspects of the GST admission system.
প্রাথমিক আবেদনের যোগ্যতা
ইউনিট | যে সকল শাখার ছাত্রছাত্রী আবেদন করতে পারবে | ন্যূনতম যোগ্যতা |
ইউনিট-A (বিজ্ঞান শাখা) | বিজ্ঞান, মাদ্রাসা (বিজ্ঞান), ভোকেশনাল (এইচএসসি) | ২০২১, ২০২২ সালে এসএসসি/সমমান ও ২০২৩, ২০২৪ সালে এইচএসসি/সমমান উভয় পরীক্ষায় (৪র্থ বিষয়সহ) ন্যূনতম জিপিএ ৩.৫০সহ সর্বমোট জিপিএ ৮.০০ থাকতে হবে। |
ইউনিট-B (মানবিক শাখা) | মানবিক, মাদ্রাসা (সাধারণ, মুজাব্বিদ), সংগীত, গার্হস্থ্য অর্থনীতি, ইসলামিক স্টাডিস | ২০২১, ২০২২ সালে এসএসসি/সমমান ও ২০২৩, ২০২৪ সালে এইচএসসি/সমমান উভয় পরীক্ষায় (৪র্থ বিষয়সহ) ন্যূনতম জিপিএ ৩.৫০সহ সর্বমোট জিপিএ ৭.০০ থাকতে হবে। |
ইউনিট-C (বাণিজ্য শাখা) | বাণিজ্য, ডিপ্লোমা ইন বিজনেস স্টাডিজ, এইচএসসি (ব্যবসায় ব্যবস্থাপনা), ডিপ্লোমা ইন কমার্স | ২০২১, ২০২২ সালেএসএসসি/সমমান ও ২০২৩, ২০২৪ সালে এইচএসসি/সমমান উভয় পরীক্ষায় (৪র্থ বিষয়সহ) ন্যূনতম জিপিএ ৩.৫০সহ সর্বমোট জিপিএ ৭.৫০ থাকতে হবে। |
ভর্তিচ্ছু ছাত্রছাত্রীদের সার্বিক ভর্তি প্রক্রিয়া সঠিকভাবে সম্পন্ন করার জন্য ভর্তি নির্দেশিকাটি (Prospectus) অত্যন্ত মনোযোগ সহকারে পড়া অত্যাবশ্যক ।
আগামী ২৯ জানুয়ারি থেকে ১৫ ফেব্রুয়ারি পর্যন্ত শিক্ষার্থীরা আবেদন করতে পারবেন। | ||
ইউনিট-A (বিজ্ঞান শাখা) | বিজ্ঞান, মাদ্রাসা (বিজ্ঞান), ভোকেশনাল (এইচএসসি) | ২০২১, ২০২২ সালে এসএসসি/সমমান ও ২০২৩, ২০২৪ সালে এইচএসসি/সমমান উভয় পরীক্ষায় (৪র্থ বিষয়সহ) ন্যূনতম জিপিএ ৩.৫০সহ সর্বমোট জিপিএ ৮.০০ থাকতে হবে। |
ইউনিট-B (মানবিক শাখা) | মানবিক, মাদ্রাসা (সাধারণ, মুজাব্বিদ), সংগীত, গার্হস্থ্য অর্থনীতি, ইসলামিক স্টাডিস | ২০২১, ২০২২ সালে এসএসসি/সমমান ও ২০২৩, ২০২৪ সালে এইচএসসি/সমমান উভয় পরীক্ষায় (৪র্থ বিষয়সহ) ন্যূনতম জিপিএ ৩.০০সহ সর্বমোট জিপিএ ৬.০০ থাকতে হবে। |
ইউনিট-C (বাণিজ্য শাখা) | বাণিজ্য, ডিপ্লোমা ইন বিজনেস স্টাডিজ, এইচএসসি (ব্যবসায় ব্যবস্থাপনা), ডিপ্লোমা ইন কমার্স | ২০২১, ২০২২ সালেএসএসসি/সমমান ও ২০২৩, ২০২৪ সালে এইচএসসি/সমমান উভয় পরীক্ষায় (৪র্থ বিষয়সহ) ন্যূনতম জিপিএ ৩.০০সহ সর্বমোট জিপিএ ৬.৫০ থাকতে হবে। |
GST Admission System 2024-25
The Vice Chancellors of 20 Public Universities have decided on taking a combined Admission examination. Among the 20 Universities General Public Universities, Agricultural Universities, and some Science and Technology Universities are included. Here is the list of Universities that are part of the GST Admission 2025.
Application starting date | 29th January , 2024 |
Application Last Sate | 25th February, 2024 |
Admission application fee | 1500 tk |
Admission Exam Date | 8 March, 9 March and 27 April, 2024 |
ভর্তি বিষয়ক সকল তথ্য পেতে আমাদের গ্রুপে জয়েন করুন
গ্রুপ লিঙ্কঃ
GST প্রাইমারি আবেদন রেজাল্ট ও সিলেকশন লিস্ট
Guccho Admission Final Result 2025
Result Published: 17-08-2025
GST Result 2025
Important Dates of Phase-2
Final Application: 24-07-2025 to 1-08-2025 |
Admit Card download: 1-08-2025 to 10-08-2025 |
GST Admission Notice 2025
GST Admission Notice 2024-25 PDF
GST Admission Notice 2024-25 PDF Download Link:-
- Jagannath University
- Islami University
- Khulna University
- Comilla University
- Barisal University
- Kazi Nazrul University
- Begum Rokeya University
- Sheikh Hasina University
- Shahjalal University of Science and Technology
- Haji Danesh University of Science and Technology
- MawlanaBhashani University of Science and Technology
- Noakhali University of Science and Technology
- Jessore University of Science and Technology
- Pabna University of Science and Technology
- Rabindra University
- BangabanduDigital University
- Bangabandhu University of Science and Technology
- Rangamati University of Science and Technology
- FazilatunnesaMujib University of Science and Technology
- Patuakhali University of Science and Technology
GST Admission Circular 2025
In the GST admission system, all the students from Science, Commerce, and Humanities will be able to sit for the GST Admission test. The GST admission will be held on the same day all around the country. The syllabus will be based on the HSC syllabus. Soon the GST Admission Circular 2025 will be published.
Our Website will be the first to upload the notice besides the official GST Admission website. As due to the COVID-19 the HSC result publication was delayed resulting in the GST Admission delayed as well. In the GST Admission Circular 2025, all the information concerning the GST Admission will be mentioned. Here we are indicating some important highlights about the GST Admission system
Eligibility for the GST Admission Test
Not every student can apply for the GST Admission test. Students have to have a certain grade point in their SSC and HSC to be able to apply for the GST admission exam.
- For Science: a minimum GPA: 7.00 in their SSC and HSC
- For Commerce: a minimum GPA: 6.50 in their SSC and HSC
- For Humanities: a minimum GPA: 6.00 in their SSC and HSC
Mark Distribution for GST Admission System
According to the GST Admission System, the examinee will face MCQ in their admission test. Total marks have been divided into different subjects in a way so that students do not feel pressure on their exam. Here in the mark distribution,
- Science Group:
- Physics: 20 Marks
- Chemistry: 20 Marks
- English: 10 Marks
- Bangla: 10 Marks
- ICT: 20 Marks
For elective subjects:
- Biology: 20 Marks
- Mathematics: 20 Marks
- Humanities Group:
- Bangla: 40Marks
- English: 35 Marks
- ICT: 25 Marks
- Commerce Group:
- Accounting: 25 Marks
- Business Management: 25 Marks
- Language (Bangla + English): (13+12) Marks = 25 Marks
- ICT: 25 Marks
GST Admission Application Process
GST Admission application form will be uploaded on the official website. They need to have their SSC and HSC roll number, registration number and board name while filling up the GST Admission application form. One small mistake can cancel their whole application. There will a screening before the final. Here is the process:
- Go to the official website of GST admission website,
- There, click the “Apply” button,
- Now fill up the fields on the form with essential details,
- Now upload your colored photo along with your signature,
- After filling all the sections press the “Submit” key,
- At the end download the file for further use.
GST Admission Payment Process
The payment of the fees for The GST Admission Application is very simple. You can pay the fee with your prepaid Teletalk number. By following the given instructions, you will be able to pay the fees without further trouble.
Frequently Asked Questions
1: | I am not getting the OTP? |
Answer: | Pls. try resending the OTP after 5 minutes. |
2: | I have completed the application successfully, but I can’t download the “Acknowledgement Slip” |
Answer: | Please try using a desktop or laptop following the link: |
3: | I am a student from the Science group in HSC. Can I apply in B or C unit? |
Answer: | No, You can’t. In fact, you don’t need to. Your unit is determined by the HSC study group. Being a student of the Science group, you are eligible for migration into other units based on the admission criteria of the respective university. It is applicable for other units too. |
4: | I am eligible for Freedom Fighter Quota (FFQ), but I don’t see any quota in the preliminary application. How can I apply in FFQ? |
Answer: | Quota is not required for the preliminary registration. |
5: | My name spelling is wrong in your system. I have already corrected the name in my education board but correct spelling is not displayed here. What to do to resolve this issue? |
Answer: | If we see your correct spelling in the board data, we can update it. In that case, submit your complaint by clicking the Complain button. |
6: | I want to change my mobile number. What should I do? |
Answer: | Sorry, you can not change your phone number. |
7: | I passed SSC in 2016 and HSC in 2019, am I eligible to apply? |
Answer: | No. Please read the prospectus. SSC 2016 are not eligible. |
8: | I passed HSC in 2019 and in 2020 I have appeared in the Improvement exam. My HSC GPA has improved, but I don’t see the correct GPA here. What can I do? |
Answer: | We will verify your result with the education board and update your information. |
9: | When the primary application result will be published? |
Answer: | Please keep checking |
10: | What is the minimum criteria to be eligible to apply for preliminary application? |
Answer: | Minimum 3.5 in each exam and in total at least 8 for Unit A, 7 for Unit B and 7.5 for Unit C. Please read the prospectus for details. |
11: | I am eligible, but I don’t understand how to apply? |
Answer: | Please read the application manual carefully. |
12: | I can not submit my application. What is wrong with the system? |
Answer: | Please read the admission criteria carefully. |
13: | I have passed Dakhil and HSC. Can I apply for the GST admission? |
Answer: | If you fulfill the admission criteria, YES you can apply for the GST admission. |
14: | Everytime I submit my application, the system responds as “Wrong Information.” What to do next? |
Answer: | Sorry, you do not meet the application criteria. Please read the prospectus ( |
15: | I want to apply for both A and B units. But my application was accepted for only A (or B) unit. How can I apply for B (or A) unit? |
Answer: | You are eligible for applying in Unit A (or Unit B) only. |
16: | I want to change the unit, but I could not do it here? What is the problem? |
Answer: | You are eligible to register with this system. Your change of subject / unit will be done when you fulfill the requirements of the university you want to apply / or get your admission. |
17: | I have passed SSC from the Open University and HSC from the General education board. How can I get the equivalent certificate? |
Answer: | You have to send your SSC Marksheet and also HSC marksheet to or in person, you have to go to Registrar Office, Jagannath University, Dhaka. |
18: | I have passed O level from EdExcel and HSC from Rajshahi board. How can I apply? |
Answer: | You have to send your O level transcript and certificate and also HSC marksheet to or in person, you have to go to Registrar Office, Jagannath University, Dhaka. |
Hopefully, this article has been helpful enough to provide all the information concerning GST Admission. We wish all the applicants the best of luck for the upcoming exam.